Tuesday, December 12, 2006

My Mortgage mistake.. don 't let the Bank take your Home

IF a Loan Officer like myself can be fooled.....then so can you. I don t care if you are a genius, or unable to add 1+1.Blind, or bug eyed, can t speak a word of English, or write novels for fun. Einstien, and Elmor Fudd ,can suddenly have lots in common .
We all have to sleep at night, or day for some. We all have to catch our breath. We every now and then run that red light. !!!! But if the timings right, and you don't see it coming;It doesn't matter if you are Alan Greenspan himself, or Alfred E. Newman. There is going to be that moment when the deer is caught in the headlights.
So shame on the Predator, not on you. You snooze you loose. So here is one piece of advise as important as getting married as getting a Mortgage......
Try to think of everything you build or create in your life, and then build in a protective circuit breaker. I don t care if that circuit breaker is a friend, family or stranger. There will be times in your life that even a stranger will show you that no-one else can.
I have personally sat next to a stranger on a plane and said far more to a stranger than I ever would say to a friend. It makes one wonder what kind of friend I am.
But perspective truly matters.Platos ego-centric dilemma is at work more than we realize.
Anyways...........Its never too late to correct a mistake.
As long as the sun shines tomorrow ...there is a courtroom or a lawyer or someone like me that help to bail you out.
First thing to remember about a Mortgage... You can change your mind.. Bottom line worst case scenario......you can walk away. You have a 3 day right to rescission of the Loan...
,,,...my mistake was not noticed right away so in my case.... I actually have an extended right to rescind up to 5 years... Now in the 5 years I was a Loan officer...I never knew this.
Since then you would be shocked at all the many Circuit breakers that I haveu if in Doubt.
Talk about being asleep at the wheel. One has to be pretty asleep at the wheel to use a 5 year rescission rule... . In my case, I simply relied on the players of the game of my industry, to follow the rules, and made the horrific mistake of not reading the fine print.
By the way, the Lender did something I would never do with my customers. I assumed that the Lender would do what I do. You know little things... like use a calculator. Like makes sure the Lender calculated that the borrower wouldn't get over there head. Or make sure the property appraisal was done correctly.
I have never had in my life done to a customer what was done to me. I wrongly believed that I had some kind of professional courtesy, or something... Wrong....
Simply put... like myself for instance, most of us don't get fooled when your eyes are open. Its simply when you blink. !!
So don't think for a minute that someone out smarted you. You were simply out blinked !!!!
Of course the Blink could symbolize a job loss, ,an illness, Physical, or mental, just, overly tired or worked. That blink could be all the above, plus an extra Human ingredient that we all share. That is basic Trust .
I,of all people would always do the best do diligence for my customer because thats what an honest Financier does. So I simply assumed that the Lender in my mortgage would do all the right things as customary. I thought it would be nice to be on the consumers side, knowing full well that I would be taken care of.
I am not one to be naive. I have lived in the city for over 20 years now. I have grown eyes in the back of my head. I have mirrors watching sideways around corners, and if I do blink I make sure no body is around to see it.
Its all in the timing. Bad luck and blinking at the wrong time. THATS ALL IT TAKES. AND Kabamm Batman... you are in over your head.
I won t bore you with the details of my story, unless you want to know the details.
..But when thinking of a mortgage... you might want to listen to someone else's story. I' ll tell you mine if you like. Its actually made me a Poster boy for learning the hard way about laws that could be broken. This Loan officer thought to be an expert had no idea until recently. There is no better teacher than experience...

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