Saturday, May 30, 2009

NickLaudani response to Dr Krugman 5-29-09 _ 46

NickLaudani response to Dr Krugman 5-29-09 _ 46

The Big Inflation Scare

Published: May 28, 2009

But does the big inflation scare make any sense? Basically, no — with one caveat I’ll get to later. And I suspect that the scare is at least partly about politics rather than economics.

First things first. It’s important to realize that there’s no hint of inflationary pressures in the economy right now. Consumer prices are lower now than they were a year ago, and wage increases have stalled in the face of high unemployment. Deflation, not inflation, is the clear and present danger.

So if prices aren’t rising, why the inflation worries? Some claim that the Federal Reserve is printing lots of money, which must be inflationary, while others claim that budget deficits will eventually force the U.S. government to inflate away its debt.

The first story is just wrong. The second could be right, but isn’t.

Now, it’s true that the Fed has taken unprecedented actions lately. More specifically, it has been buying lots of debt both from the government and from the private sector, and paying for these purchases by crediting banks with extra reserves. And in ordinary times, this would be highly inflationary: banks, flush with reserves, would increase loans, which would drive up demand, which would push up prices.

But these aren’t ordinary times. Banks aren’t lending out their extra reserves. They’re just sitting on them — in effect, they’re sending the money right back to the Fed. So the Fed isn’t really printing money after all.

Still, don’t such actions have to be inflationary sooner or later? No. The Bank of Japan, faced with economic difficulties not too different from those we face today, purchased debt on a huge scale between 1997 and 2003. What happened to consumer prices? They fell.

All in all, much of the current inflation discussion calls to mind what happened during the early years of the Great Depression when many influential people were warning about inflation even as prices plunged. As the British economist Ralph Hawtrey wrote, “Fantastic fears of inflation were expressed. That was to cry, Fire, Fire in Noah’s Flood.” And he went on, “It is after depression and unemployment have subsided that inflation becomes dangerous.”

Is there a risk that we’ll have inflation after the economy recovers? That’s the claim of those who look at projections that federal debt may rise to more than 100 percent of G.D.P. and say that America will eventually have to inflate away that debt — that is, drive up prices so that the real value of the debt is reduced.

Such things have happened in the past. For example, France ultimately inflated away much of the debt it incurred while fighting World War I.

But more modern examples are lacking. Over the past two decades, Belgium, Canada and, of course, Japan have all gone through episodes when debt exceeded 100 percent of G.D.P. And the United States itself emerged from World War II with debt exceeding 120 percent of G.D.P. In none of these cases did governments resort to inflation to resolve their problems.

So is there any reason to think that inflation is coming? Some economists have argued for moderate inflation as a deliberate policy, as a way to encourage lending and reduce private debt burdens. I’m sympathetic to these arguments and made a similar case for Japan in the 1990s. But the case for inflation never made headway with Japanese policy makers then, and there’s no sign it’s getting traction with U.S. policy makers now.

All of this raises the question: If inflation isn’t a real risk, why all the claims that it is?

Well, as you may have noticed, economists sometimes disagree. And big disagreements are especially likely in weird times like the present, when many of the normal rules no longer apply.

But it’s hard to escape the sense that the current inflation fear-mongering is partly political, coming largely from economists who had no problem with deficits caused by tax cuts but suddenly became fiscal scolds when the government started spending money to rescue the economy. And their goal seems to be to bully the Obama administration into abandoning those rescue efforts.

Needless to say, the president should not let himself be bullied. The economy is still in deep trouble and needs continuing help.

Yes, we have a long-run budget problem, and we need to start laying the groundwork for a long-run solution. But when it comes to inflation, the only thing we have to fear is inflation fear itself

May 29, 2009

NickLaudani response to Dr Krugman 5-29-09 _ 46

According to you "the Fed is just buying debt from the government and private sector". But buying these items from themselves or others must have a cost which also will need to be payed back in some manner. The more stuff the Fed buys while hugely in debt can only mean at the very least higher interest rates! Perhaps inflation is the wrong word. How about the real danger of a devalued dollar or more specifically significant reduction in our buying power. O how bout the factual discussions from other huge countries that the Dollar is starting to look risky. Which will further de-value our Dollar.IT might by definition be inflation but it will sure feel like that. Further more I find a flaw in your reasoning that we should not worry about going into 100 % debt of GDP as we have done so in the past.Things are different now. Back in world war II we had the biggest industrial or production based economies in the world. What do we produce now? Other than articles like this, that attempt smoke and mirrors. No this government binge will not bring property. We need to stop borrowing and starting producing. Otherwise it makes perfect sense to be concerned Nick Laudani

— NickLaudani, Boston,Ma.


NL said...

42.12: Notice of Significant Events and Proposed Change in Ownership or Personnel

(1) A Licensee shall notify the Commissioner immediately, and in writing within one business day, of the occurrence of any of the following significant developments:

(a) Filing for bankruptcy or reorganization of the Licensee.

(b) Being charged with a criminal offense that is in any way related to the mortgage lender or brokerage activities of a Licensee, including but not limited to, the handling and/or reporting of moneys received and/or instruments sold.

(c) Receiving notification of the institution of license denial, cease and desist, suspension or revocation procedures, or other formal or informal regulatory action, in any state against the Licensee, and the reasons thereof.

(d) Receiving notification of the initiation of any action by the Attorney General of the Commonwealth or of any other state, pursuant to M.G.L. c. 93A, or any other comparable consumer protection statute, and the reasons thereof.

(e) Expiration, termination or default, technical or otherwise, of any existing line of credit or warehouse credit agreement.

(f) Suspension or termination of the Licensee's status as an approved seller or seller/servicer by the Federal National Mortgage Association, Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, Government National Mortgage Association or an investor approved under 209 CMR 42.11A(1)(a).

(g) Exercise of recourse rights by investors or subsequent assignees of mortgage loans if such loans, in the aggregate, exceed the licensee's net worth exclusive of real property and fixed assets.

(h) Initiation of Trustee Process or any other form of attachment on any of the Licensee's assets.

(i) Issuance of an interest rate lock commitment in violation of 209 CMR 42.11A.

(j) Existence of negative balances, exceeding $ 100, in any operating account at any time or the return of checks, exceeding $ 100, for insufficient funds.

(k) Any change to net worth resulting from market valuation or future loss liability or any other change which causes the net worth of the licensee to fall below the requirements of 209 CMR 42.03, 209 CMR 42.06, 209 CMR 42.08A, and 209 CMR 42.11A(1)(a).

(l) Cancellation by the Licensee of the surety bond required pursuant to 209 CMR 42.03(2)(a)2 or 209 CMR 42.06(2)(a)2 and shall provide a new surety bond to the Commissioner. If the Licensee does not replace the surety bond, the Commissioner shall automatically suspend the license until the Licensee has provided the required bond.

(2) A Licensee shall notify the Commissioner immediately, and in writing within five business days, of the occurrence of any of the following significant developments:

(a) Filing for bankruptcy or reorganization of any of a Licensee's officers, directors, principal stockholders, or affiliates.

(b) Criminal felony arraignment or conviction of any of a Licensee's officers, directors, principal stockholders, or affiliates.

(3)(a) 15 days prior to any proposed change in control in the ownership of a Licensee, or among the officers, partners or directors of a Licensee, a notice shall forthwith be filed with the Commissioner who may thereupon cause such investigation to be made as he deems necessary, as if it were a new license. In the case of a corporation, control is defined as a change of ownership by a person or group acting in concert to acquire ten percent of the stock, or the ability of a person or group acting in concert to elect a majority of the directors or otherwise effect a change in policy of the corporation.

(b) A notice of change in personnel or ownership shall contain the following information:

1. the name, address and occupation of each proposed officer, partner, director or shareholders; and

2. provide such other information as the Commissioner may require

NL said...

posted on nytimes 5-29-09 responsonce numbered_46 ..............